Personnel representation in Australian armed forces
Petition link: Review the MOD's New Accommodation Offer [petition now closed due election]
PPRuNe - Military Aviation forum
Pre-1975 service pensions
Pre-1975 service pensions
RAF News
Redress of Individual Grievances: service complaints (JSP 831)
Regular Forces Continuous Attitude Survey 2024 - morale down again
Representative Association of Commissioned Officers (RACO - Ireland)
Research Briefing: Armed Forces Commissioner Bill 2024-2025
Reserve Officers Association (ROA - USA)
Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
SA National Defence Union (SANDU) - SA
Send mail with the British Forces Post Office (BFPO)
Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces
Shelter (Scotland)
Soldier Magazine
SSAFA Forcesline (including AWOL) - phone, chat or message
Stolen Valour aka Walts with campaign medals: should it be criminalised again?
Stolen Valour aka Walts with campaign medals: should it be criminalised again?
The ARAP Scheme and former members of the Afghan Special Forces who served with UK troops
The ARAP Scheme and former members of the Afghan Special Forces who served with UK troops
The British General and the Bosnia 'Mutiny'
This is BAFF
This is BAFF
UK Parliament homepage
UK veterans and the criminal justice system (Literature Review by TRBL)
Ukraine: Zelensky appoints Ombudsman for Military Personnel and Families
Ukraine: Zelensky appoints Ombudsman for Military Personnel and Families
UKSF had 'complete veto' on ARAP applications by former Afghan SF
UKSF had 'complete veto' on ARAP applications by former Afghan SF
Veterans in the Criminal Justice System (SSAFA The Armed Forces Charity)
Vote 2024: The manifesto proposals for armed forces personnel representation or commissioner
Vote 2024: The manifesto proposals for armed forces personnel representation or commissioner
Vote 2024: What's in the party manifestos about armed forces personnel and veterans?
Vote 2024: What's in the party manifestos about armed forces personnel and veterans?
Wavell Room
Westminster - Parliamentary Business - Defence
Westminster - Parliamentary Business - Defence
What did Labour say in their 2024 election manifesto about armed forces personnel and veterans?
What did Labour say in their 2024 election manifesto about armed forces personnel and veterans?
Which new or returning MPs have served in the military?
Which new or returning MPs have served in the military?
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