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Category: Forces personnel news
The Sun reports that volunteer members of the armed forces will be working as security staff at
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Category: Forces personnel news
According to this report by the Daily Telegraph, an adviser to the Ministry of Defence has warned that
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Category: Forces personnel news
Philip Hammond gave his first newspaper interview as Defence Secretary on Friday, during a visit to
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Category: Forces personnel news
(Update 02 Nov: MoD response below). Various media have carried the story that apparently for the
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Category: Forces personnel news
UPDATE: Aasmah Mir's report, which was in many ways uplifted by the positive approach taken by
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Category: Forces personnel news
British troops serving in Afghanistan could miss out on mail from their loved ones because of the
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Category: Forces personnel news
Poles, Czechs and Slovaks fought in British skies, far from home, and helped win the Battle of
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Category: Forces personnel news
Guardian 14 Sep 2011: "A family who were repeatedly denied compensation for their internment
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Category: Forces personnel news
This year's Continuous Attitude Survey was published some days ago, but due to competing armed
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Category: Forces personnel news
On the last day for posting parcels to Camp Bastion, BritishForcesNews reports (02 Dec) that with