The Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS), which was introduced and subsequently reviewed under the
...The Sun reports that volunteer members of the armed forces will be working as security staff at
...According to this report by the Daily Telegraph, an adviser to the Ministry of Defence has warned that
...Philip Hammond gave his first newspaper interview as Defence Secretary on Friday, during a visit to
...(Update 02 Nov: MoD response below). Various media have carried the story that apparently for the
...UPDATE: Aasmah Mir's report, which was in many ways uplifted by the positive approach taken by
...British troops serving in Afghanistan could miss out on mail from their loved ones because of the
...Poles, Czechs and Slovaks fought in British skies, far from home, and helped win the Battle of
...Guardian 14 Sep 2011: "A family who were repeatedly denied compensation for their internment
...This year's Continuous Attitude Survey was published some days ago, but due to competing armed