
The deadlines for applying for a proxy or postal vote in the General Election have now passed. But


Like all other parties except the SNP, Plaid Cymru's General Election manifesto doesn't say


The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Manifesto for the Westminster General Election 2015 supports a strong


Further to our news about SNP and Lib Dem support for armed forces personnel representation, an


For those who missed it, today's General Election Debate hosted by Forces TV and the Royal United


The Liberal Democrat Party has for some years supported the cause of representation for armed


Political support for the "right of association" for armed forces personnel has increased in the 8


Postal votes have begun to be delivered to those voters who applied for them. The paperwork is not


Update: today Tuesday 28 April is the last day for applying for a proxy vote. Visit: Apply to vote


Nobody likes to be told we can't do something. It's the same for the General Election.