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Category: Forces personnel news
Some members and supporters have informed BAFF that they did not receive the email newsletter which
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Category: Forces personnel news
Yesterday, I expressed relief that subsidised accommodation would be retained under the New
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Category: Forces personnel news
I am sure that Servicemen are relieved to hear that the MoD will continue to provide subsidised
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Category: Forces personnel news
In the second of five articles from the New Employment Model (NEM) team, Chief of Defence
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Category: Forces personnel news
Across the Services, we have witnessed what can be likened to a death of a thousand cuts in terms of
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Category: Forces personnel news
The Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference will be asked to endorse the right of representation by an
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Category: Forces personnel news
As the SCC and the MoD get stuck into negotiations as to the form of Armed Forces Ombudsman, we
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Category: Forces personnel news
With the nation's media focused on our future sovereign, could there be a better day to try to
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Category: Forces personnel news
Fear of reputational damage and political controversy gags senior officers.
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Category: Forces personnel news
The lot of our wounded, injured and sick (WIS) personnel has changed very little in the last