Thank-you message from Baleiwai family

We are honoured to have received this thank-you message from Mrs Kim Baleiwai on behalf of the Baleiwai family:

"We would like to thank BAFF and all those kind people that have supported our case and signed our petition. We have been overwhelmed by the support and the generosity of spirit of others to find time for my family, in what has been a difficult 5 months.

Bale was found 'Not Guilty' at Colchester Military Court of the original summary offence, which was the reason he was defined by the Home Office as 'not of good charachter' to settle here. We have not had confirmation from the Home Office that Bale's citizenship will be granted, but we know they are reviewing it urgently.

We are also pleased to hear that immigration policy regarding Foreign and Commonwealth armed forces personnel is being reviewed. The recent proposed changes appear to be limited, but we believe that this complicated issue is now better understood and the Government understand that the British public do not want Veterans to be treated like this. Sadly, we are still being contacted weekly by families in the same situation, but we do feel that there is more hope that their cases will be resolved and no more Foreign and Commonwealth soldiers will be deported for minor convictions and disciplinary offences.

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