Thursday 13 March 2025

Armed Forces Pay Review Body (AFPRB) report 2012 published

As we predicted a few days ago, the Armed Forces Pay Review Body's 2012 report has now been published. The Government has accepted its recommendations on armed forces pay and charges for 2012-2013.

The report has been published on the Office of Manpower Economics' website but, as members have reported difficulty in opening the document, we are meantime making a copy available to logged-in registered users here:

 icon AFPRB 41st report 2012 (Crown Copyright Reserved).

This summary is repeated courtesy of the unofficial Army Rumour Service:

The 2012 report of the Armed Forces' Pay Review Body (AFPRB) has been published today. The Government has accepted the recommendations in full with implementation effective from 1 April 2012.

Personnel will see the following impacts of the award, where relevant, in their April 2012 pay statements:

• an increase of £250 for full-time personnel earning £21,000 or less (inclusive of X-Factor) - in line with the Government's 2010 Emergency Budget.

• an enhancement to Longer Separation Allowance (LSA) - a reduction in the qualifying interval between each of the 14 levels for LSA from 240 to 180 days.

• overall increases to accommodation charges ranging from two pence to 76 pence a day - rental element increases in line with the rental component of the Retail Price Index. Accommodation charges include a discount to reflect the disadvantages of living in Service accommodation.

• an increase in the Daily Food Charge of 21 pence a day - to reflect the trend of rising food prices.


• from 1 April 2013, the harmonisation of starting pay for direct entrant graduate and non-graduate officers.

Further details, showing the revised rates of pay for personnel earning £21,000 or less (inclusive of X-Factor) per annum, and examples of the effect of the 2012 AFPRB recommendations for those based in the UK and those deployed on operations, can be found in the Defence Internal Brief at Related documents.

The 2012 Senior Salaries Review Body report has also been published today, but, in light of the pay freeze, makes no pay recommendations for the more senior military officers (two-star officers and above).