Getting in touch with BAFF

These are the main options for making initial contact. Usually the fastest method is to use the contact form.

1. Use our web contact form

Click here: Contact Form. If you are already registered on the site, we recommend logging in first before clicking the link.

2. Email us

All email addresses ending with "" were discontinued. Other email addresses remain in use, but the contact form is available for initial contact.

3. Use the Messenger app on Facebook

If you have problems with the contact form and you don't already have our email address, if you have a Facebook account you can send us a private message via Messenger. Our Facebook page is at .

4. Write to us

The postal address (our registered office address provided by a firm of accountants, at which BAFF volunteers are not normally present) is:

24A High Street
SN12 6LA

Who will be dealing with your enquiry?

All enquiries, except for those involving external professional services such as legal services, are dealt with in confidence by one or more BAFF volunteers, who are either serving or former members of HM Forces. BAFF takes your privacy very seriously, and is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner's Office. Your issue will not be handled without your consent by anyone with a possible conflict of interest in your issue. We will not provide personal information about a member to the MoD, or any of the service authorities, or anyone else, unless the member so requests or we are required to do so in accordance with law. All BAFF interactions with you are governed by our Compliance policies and conditions of use.

Where a member is referred to any external professional service such as legal services, all your interactions with such professionals will be governed by their privacy and compliance policies, and by their terms of engagement and professional obligations.