Wednesday 12 March 2025

Cuts in the Army 'creating gaps' and leaving soldiers 'unsettled and frustrated'

The latest feedback to CGS's briefing team, summarised in Soldier magazine, has highlighted concerns about cuts in Army numbers and spending on accommodation, and deep worries about future pension cuts. CGS used an article in the same issue to respond to the concerns raised, saying he sympathised with some of his soldiers’ complaints. From a report in The Daily Telegraph:


The report found that soldiers not facing redundancy are worried that cuts will result in higher workloads and make it harder for those who remain to do their jobs. Army numbers are being cut from approximately 100,000 to 82,000 by the end of the decade. The latest round of redundancies, some 2,900 posts, was announced earlier this month.

In his article, Gen Wall said he accepted that the redundancies are hitting the Army hard.

“I appreciate that this is unsettling for many. During this early period of transition, I recognise that gaps are appearing as redundancy bites.”

Because of the cuts in manpower, he said, the Army is working on a sweeping reorganisation of its units.