Thursday 13 March 2025

Defence Committee Inquiry: Armed Forces Readiness

The House of Commons Defence Committee has opened a new Inquiry into Armed Forces Readiness. The Committee welcomes written evidence on the following:

  • Are the armed forces sufficiently capable, resourced and ready to protect the UK and our allies?
  • What are the main gaps in capability and/or readiness, and what will it take to fill these gaps?
  • Are the UK armed forces a ‘tier one fighting force’? Do they need to be?
  • What are the consequences of the army having been “hollowed out and underfunded”? Which of these consequences needs to be addressed most urgently?
  • Are the Government’s plans sufficient to address any shortfalls?

Full details are at the link below below, and the deadline for submissions is Monday 5th June 2023.

The MoD and service authorities haven't usually permitted or encouraged submissions by serving personnel to parliamentary enquiries.

See the inquiry link for more information. BAFF members are welcome to consult us. BAFF itself is unlikely to submit evidence in this case, unless focussed personnel-related issues are identified.

  • Hits: 1334