Thursday 13 March 2025

General Election 2015 - Plaid Cymru support for an armed forces staff association

Like all other parties except the SNP, Plaid Cymru's General Election manifesto doesn't say anything about representation for armed forces personnel. But Plaid has firmly supported representation in the past, suggesting that the party may again be prepared to support sensible representative arrangements.

BAFF received these replies from Plaid Cymru MPs during the 2005-2010 Parliament.

1. Adam Price MP (MP 2001-2010)

Thank you for your letter of the 26th September. I would support a staff association of this kind and it should have a statutory recognition. You can rely on my support.

2. Elfyn Llwyd MP (MP 1992-2015, Plaid Westminster group leader)

Thank you for your letter regarding statutory recognition of a staff association for the British Armed Forces. I am happy to support the campaign. I fully agree that there should be fair and equitable treatment for the hard-pressed members of our armed forces. If there is anything I can do to support the campaign in any way please do not hesitate to contact my office.


BAFF and the General Election

BAFF encourages its members, and others in the armed forces community, to register to vote, and then to exercise their own voting choice in any election or referendum. British Armed Forces Federation's political neutrality is not only hard-wired into its Constitution, but also demonstrated by its consistent track record while operating in the public arena and online over more than eight years. BAFF continues to build cross-party support for the principle of service personnel representation, and remains available for consultation by any registered political parties or candidates.