Wednesday 12 March 2025

MOD consultation on legal protections for personnel after serving overseas

UPDATE (OCT 2019):  Thanks for all members' replies and for your scrutiny of the draft answers developed on this site. BAFF duly submitted a response to the MOD consultation on 'Legal protections for armed forces personnel and veterans serving in operations outside the United Kingdom'. (OCT 2020): The former BAFF Chairman Douglas Young gave oral evidence on behalf of the Federation to the House of Commons Bill Committee considering the Government's Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill.

This page originally read:

REMINDER: The Ministry of Defence consultation on 'Legal protections for armed forces personnel and veterans serving in operations outside the United Kingdom' closes at 2359 hrs on Sunday, 13th October. MOD link here:

With the MOD consultation closing at midnight tonight 13 Oct 2019, our DRAFT replies to the MOD online consultation are now publicly available for anyone to comment upon.

The separate parts of the MOD paper are listed in the box to the right, for example Questions 1-2. Click on the link, you will then see a copy of the relevant MOD page shown as a quote. Below that you will see a comment box. Use that like any forum. You can log in as a BAFF member first and shown your username, or you can comment anonymously. You can also 'LIKE' the page, so please do that if our reply looks sensible but you don't have a detailed comment.

Alternatively, if you are an 'ARRSE' member you can comment in an ongoing thread at:

Thanks in advance!

This post originally read:

BAFF intends to make its own response which will be open for comment and input by full members on this website. Anyone with views they would like us to take into account is welcome to get in touch now by email or using the site contact form.The consultation is still very much on, never mind the change in Defence Secretary since it was launched, and regardless of the current political situation and the prospect of an early General Election. It remains as important as ever not only to let the MOD know if you disagree with any part of their proposals, but also to support those proposals which you agree with.

This is the opportunity to have your say, individually or through BAFF, or both.

Anyone can take part in the MOD consultation by an online form, by email, or by post. Details are at the above link.

Being about "operations outside the United Kingdom", the consultation excludes operations in Northern Ireland.