Friday 14 March 2025

NOTW: HMS Liverpool makes history

In its final issue after 168 years, the News of the World reports that HMS Liverpool has made the Royal Navy's first use of main armament gunnery since the Falklands Campaign:

HMS Liverpool opened fire in a dramatic shootout with Libya.

Their 4.5-inch shell obliterated one of Colonel Gaddafi's arms caches on the coast after coming under fire from government forces.

And it was also the first time a naval missile was launched by a woman as Leading Seaman Hayley Richards pulled the trigger.

"I'd rather not have reason to shoot, but it is an honour," said 29-year-old Hayley on board gunship HMS Liverpool.

The paper also claims it is an "insult" that none of the ship's 270 crew are eligible for a campaign medal - because ministers back home say their three-month mission in enemy waters has not been dangerous enough.