Wednesday 12 March 2025

Scottish referendum - BAFF's position and how to have your say in the consultations

BAFF's primary interest at this stage is in ensuring the maximum participation in the referendum by those armed forces personnel and their partners who are registered or genuinely entitled to register to vote in Scotland, in order to make their own voting choice when the time comes.

"Maximum participation" raises various issues including publicity, information, ease of registration and, of course, the actual voting process, especially for those entitled service personnel who are away from Scotland at the time of the referndum, and their wives, husbands or civil partners. The franchise for the referendum must not be less than the franchise for Scottish parliamentary and local government elections.

We are preparing our response to the current consultations by the Scotland Office, and by the SNP Scottish Government.

You can download the consultation papers here:

Anyone can respond to either or both consultations. If you are responding direct and are saying something about service voting, we would be very grateful if you can let us have a copy.

BAFF Members and BAFF Military Supporters - how to influence our response to the consultations

If you would like your points to be taken into account in BAFF's responses and have not already been in touch, please send us your points BY TUESDAY 14 FEBRUARY. Please use the contact form or send us an email. Logged-in BAFF members or BAFF Military Supporters can also comment publicly on this page if they like.

Not already a BAFF Member or BAFF Military Supporter?

If you are serving or have ever served in HM Forces, we strongly encourage you to register first as a BAFF Military Supporter (registration is free and anonymous) and then comment as a supporter.

However, on this issue we are very happy to take relevant points from anyone.