Wednesday 12 March 2025

Was administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution beween Dec 2008 and Sep 2011?

The information below is for anyone who had service administrative action taken against them as a result of a police caution between Dec 2008 and Sep 2011, and has left the forces. You may have grounds for a service complaint, and may wish to seek legal advice if administrative action had serious consequences for you. Members can consult BAFF.

The MoD has already taken steps to inform those affected who are still serving, and has now published the following information (Check original for updates here):

Information for those who left the armed forces between December 2008 and September 2011

First published:
29 June 2015
Last updated:
6 July 2015 , see all updates

If you had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution it may be that you have grounds for a complaint.

If you have now left the armed forces and had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution between December 2008 and September 2011, it may be that you have grounds for a complaint.

The MOD has written to serving and former serving personnel because of changes to the law which took effect in December 2008 that meant such cautions should not have been taken into account after that date. However, whilst action has been taken to contact those affected directly, it is apparent that we have not managed to reach some people and they will be unaware of efforts to contact them about this issue.

The letters sent out on 10 Mar 2015 informed personnel that they may wish to consider a service complaint if they believe they have been wronged in a matter relating to their service. Information about service complaints is contained in Joint Service Publication 831.

Under the relevant legislation, service complaints generally need to be submitted within 3 months of the act that is being complained about. However, this time limit may be extended at the discretion of the prescribed officer dealing with the complaint if, in all the circumstances of the case, he or she considers it just and equitable to do so. Any complaints received in connection with this issue will be considered entirely on their own merits but the date on which personnel received a letter or were first made aware of this issue may be one of the factors taken into account when considering whether to allow a complaint to proceed.

Should you wish to find out more information and discuss your options then please contact the relevant office below:

ROA Casework
M-P 4-2 Leach Building
Whale Island

Email: ">


Email: "> or phone 01264 382 746


Air Personnel Casework
1E11 Hurricane Building
HQ Air Cmd
RAF High Wycombe
HP14 4UE

E-mail: ">