Thursday 13 March 2025

'Witch-hunt' now turning to British operations in Afghanistan (2016 article)

In the midst of the furore about the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT) and a so-called "witch-hunt" against troops who served in Iraq, media are now reporting that hundreds of British troops who served in Afghanistan have been referred to investigation over "allegations of war crimes". In response, the British Armed Forces Federation (BAFF)  has negotiated free legal advice for any of its members approached by investigators in connection with allegations from either Iraq or Afghanistan.

It is claimed that 166 separate cases from Op Herrick (Afghanistan) are being investigated by a unit made up of 64 Military Police. The alleged cases are said to include 52 deaths, about the same number of deaths in Iraq under investigation by IHAT.

BAFF, which has already arranged free court martial assistance for its members from a firm of solicitors, has now negotiated an extension to this service to include free (pro bono) independent initial advice and assistance to anyone approached by investigators in connection with operations in Iraq and Afghanistan - even as a potential witness. Such initial advice would relate to the member's rights and obligations in such a situation.

Information about the new scheme will be emailed to all BAFF members and registered "military supporters" in the next few days, and full details will be available to logged-in full members on this site.

Any full BAFF member who

  • requires immediate advice or assistance in connection with court martial proceedings, OR
  • has been approached by investigators in connection with alleged events during operations in Iraq or Afghanistan -even apparently as a witness

can get in touch right away using the site contact form. All messages will be treated in the strictest confidence.

We emphasize that this offer is only available to full subscribing BAFF members (whether regulars, reservists, or veterans). We regret that we cannot enter into correspondence with non-members about this new scheme. The current reduced membership subscription for serving personnel and ex-service is only £7.50 per year- click here to join online.