Thursday 13 March 2025

Armed Forces Healthcare

EVERYONE who commits to Serve, and who is then wounded, injured or sick, should be TREATED TO THE SAME HIGH STANDARDS.

Help for Heroes Recovery Centres have demonstrated how this can be done at the recovery stage. But the same high standards must be applied at all stages of treatment, especially diagnosis.

Without a written medical diagnosis, it is almost impossible for an injured Serviceman or woman to access appropriate support, either while Serving or as a Veteran. The whole welfare/medical/social services system works on labels.

Considering that 75% of wounded, injured and sick (WIS) are not as a direct result of operational activity, but of “pursuing a pretty challenging lifestyle” (General Rollo, HCDC Report, 2011), getting a QUICK AND ACCURATE diagnosis is vital but not always possible when dealing with health services for the military profession. As many Service personnel know, especially those dealing with late or post discharge PTSD diagnoses, or conditions that require a higher degree of suspicion, it is often only the most vigilant and informed of clinicians that are able to offer accurate opinions.