Wednesday 12 March 2025

Debt recovery from MOD

Feb 2008

If you're having problems with JPA, the JPAC helpline number is 0800 085 3600 or if you're abroad +44 141 224 3600.

RAF officer sues MoD over pay fault - and wins

Daily Telegraph, 4 Feb 2008 - by Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent

A serving RAF officer has successfully sued the Ministry of Defence after computer faults led to thousands of servicemen and women being underpaid.

The squadron leader, who has served in the Forces for more than 20 years, brought the unprecedented legal action after his pay was wrongly cut last June.

The officer, whom the MoD refused to name, decided to sue after he had spent seven months trying, unsuccessfully, to resolve the problem.

The ministry has now been ordered to repay him the £3,315 he is owed, together with interest and court costs, after a county court judgment was awarded in his favour on January 21.

The move could open the floodgates for claims from thousands more servicemen and women who are locked in pay disputes with the Armed Services' Joint Personnel Administration Centre (JPAC), which is responsible for paying salaries and pensions.