Wednesday 12 March 2025

Look behind you - After 60 years, the last Panto at JHQ

In yet another sign that BFG really is closing down, this year's performance of Cinderella could be the last annual panto in Rheindahlen. The Panto Cinderella will be at The Liitle Theatre, JHQ on 19th-22nd January and 26th-28th January. Tickets cost €8, on sale at The Little Theatre. ForcesNews reports (12 Jan):


Full story from BFBS ForcesNews:

Christmas and New Year celebrations may be just a memory now but a two-week Pantomime run begins next Thursday at the Rheindahlen Military Complex in Germany. There has been an annual panto in Rheindahlen since the early fifties but the closure of the garrison means that this year's performance of Cinderella is likely to be the last. CATS - the Combined Amateur Theatre Society - are busy in final rehearsals for their latest production Cinderella, knowing it is likely to be their last after nearly 60 years because JHQ is to close in 2014. It has proved quite a challenge to stage.

Director Steve Bridgewater said "Our members are actually below 20 but putting on a show like pantomime is very difficult. A lot of people have stepped up to the mark and taken on more than one role and it's because of that dedication and hard work - and number of hours put in by everybody - we're actually able to put a show on and put on nine performances, which we thought at the beginning was stretching the point but I think we'll get there." While some hold out hope for just one more Rheindahlen pantomime others believe it might be better to go out now and on a high. And while it might be the final curtain for Panto in Rheindahlen the CATS theatre group hasn't quite used up its nine lives. The company is putting on a murder mystery in March and entering a European Theatre competition in April.