Wednesday 12 March 2025

Parliamentary Inquiry: Service Accommodation

UPDATE JAN 2024: The extended deadline for submissions of evidence to this inquiry has now passed. BAFF will continue to monitor.

UPDATE DEC 2023: The Parliamentary Inquiry into Service Accommodation has extended the deadline for submissions of evidence to Friday 5th January 2024. The Ministry of Defence decided in this case to allow serving personnel to give evidence to the inquiry about their personal experience. Other people wishing to submit evidence, such as family members or recent veterans, are also welcome to do so.

Full UPDATED details of the Sub-Committee Inquiry, the questions asked and the form of written submissions are at this link:

Our original article posted July 2023:

The House of Commons Defence Committee has launched a new Sub-Committee to inquire into Service Accommodation.

This Sub-Committee will consider the current issues with Service accommodation and ask what the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) plans are to improve services, as well as modernise and invest in single living and Service families’ accommodation. The Sub-Committee inquiry will ask what should be included in the Future Accommodation offer and whether enough has been done to address failures in accommodation provisions by the MOD. The deadline for written submissions is Friday 1 September 2023 extended to Friday 5 January 2024.

More details here:

The inquiry covers single as well as family accommodation, so it's important that the sub-committee receives evidence about both.

We hope that the Ministry of Defence will make it clear, as they have done occasionally in the past, that serving personnel are free to submit evidence to this enquiry without any question of repercussions.

BAFF members are welcome to submit evidence anonymously through the Federation's own response if for any reason they prefer to do so.