Wednesday 12 March 2025

Personnel representation in Australian armed forces

The Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA) is the representative group primarily concerned with the welfare, individual rights and financial interests of former members of the defence force (in both peace and war).

Since the demise of ArFFA in late 2006 [see below] DFWA also tackles conditions-of-service issues on behalf of serving ADF personnel. The DFWA undertakes no public discussion or advocacy concerning current operational or defence force capability development matters, or on wider national security issues. The Association dropped the word regular (as in RDFWA) from its title in early 2007.
The Armed Forces Federation of Australia (ArFFA) was the professional representative group for serving members of the defence force concerning their conditions of employment and service. After 21 years of loyal and dedicated service to ADF personnel ArFFA ceased operations on 28 December 2006 due to declining membership and ever-growing complacency by many of those it had represented so effectively.
The Defence Reserves Association (DRA) is the representative professional group concerned with the rights and interests of serving and former defence force reservists. It rarely comments on wider defence matters."