'Please don't send unsolicited Christmas mail to the troops'

16 Sep 2010 - 100 days to go to Christmas Day! The Ministry of Defence is urging people not to send unsolicited gifts and packages in the pre-Christmas period, becauses it increases pressure on the in-theatre postal system and can delay mail from family and friends.

As in recent years, all Service personnel on operations over Christmas (and those who are hospital in-patients) will receive a seasonal gift box from a MOD-endorsed charity (uk4u Thanks!).

The charity uses free space in the existing supply chain to deliver the boxes in time for Christmas to personnel all round the world, including those on ships and in submarines.

Instead of unsolicited mail not addressed to an individual, thoughtful members of the public wishing to support gifts to the troops can donate to the charity at the following link:

Other charities listed on the MoD website include

BAFF would be happy to add links to any other approved regimental or other schemes.

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