Wednesday 12 March 2025

Regular Forces Continuous Attitude Survey 2024 - morale down again

Some of the headlines from the latest Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey are:

Nearly six in ten personnel rate their Service morale as ‘low’. The proportion of respondents reporting their morale as 'low' has been going up every year since 2021.

Satisfaction with the rate of basic pay remained stable at 32%, but well below the peak level reported in 2010 (52%).

Satisfaction with both the response to SFA maintenance/repair requests, and the quality of SFA maintenance/repair work, has improved slightly this year.

Job satisfaction remains relatively stable, with 57% of personnel expressing satisfaction with their jobs.

Satisfaction with basic pay remained stable at 32% after falling steeply between 2021 and 2023. It remains well below the peak level reported in 2010 (52%).

Overall satisfaction with pension benefits has fallen for the second year in a row, down to 38%, a five percent drop since 2022.

23% of respondents plan to leave the service, citing dissatisfaction with pay and low service morale as primary reasons. The proportion citing service morale as a factor influencing intention to leave has increased by 11 percentage points since 2021.