Wednesday 12 March 2025

Information for media

Media contact

Although we have had hundreds of interviews or news mentions over the years since BAFF was launched in December 2006, as of Spring 2024 we are unlikely to be able to provide contributors for interview, but may be able to supply comment. Please use the site contact form to get in touch.

Please note that we cannot put media in touch with individual members, whether serving or retired.

Serving personnel are subject to a "Defence Instruction and Notice" (DIN) imposing restrictions on "Contact with the Media and Communicating in Public". (BAFF does not fully agree with all aspects of the DIN.)

Previous stories

Lists of previous interviews and quotes featuring BAFF are available here: BAFF in the news.

Media guidelines

The British Armed Forces Federation (BAFF) is a professional staff association launched in late 2006 by serving and former members of HM Forces. It is totally independent of government and the Ministry of Defence and has no party political affliation. 

BAFF spokespeople may offer an informed opinion but will not express an organisational view about national strategic or operational decisions.

BAFF is never a source of "leaks" to the media of information of a genuinely confidential or protected nature.

Use of BAFF logo

Permission is hereby granted to use the unaltered BAFF logo to illustrate relevant media articles or academic papers. BAFF Logo - Registered Trademark.

Media releases

There are no current media releases at this time.