Involved in IHAT? Free initial legal advice available to BAFF members

The Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT) closed on 30 June 2017 with the remaining investigations being reintegrated back into the service police system, but this is a reminder that any current BAFF full member who is approached by any similar enquiry relating to actual or alleged events in the course of recent overseas operations can be referred to an solicitor for free basic confidential legal advice about their situation. Our original article (with minor revisals) is below.

computer keyboard with 'Legal Advice' button. Image source iStock Any full BAFF member approached by the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT), even if apparently as a potential witness, can now consult a solicitor absolutely free of charge. This is an extension of the 'pro bono' Court Martial representation scheme already available to BAFF members. UPDATES: After consultation with the legal firm concerned, this BAFF member offer also applies to inquiries arising from other recent or ongoing overseas operations, including those in Afghanistan.

BAFF arranged this benefit in view of concern about current and former members of the armed forces - and even reportedly some of their family members - being approached about alleged events of a criminal nature in the course of operations in Iraq.

Some contributors to unofficial websites argued against any cooperation with such enquiries - in effect the "wall of silence" criticised by a judge in the Baha Mousa inquiry.

In real life, we understand that a blanket decision not to cooperate could in certain circumstances be unwise, as well as unprofessional. There are circumstances in which it may be in an individual's best interests to exercise a right of silence, but such decisions are best taken in full knowledge of their rights and duties in their particular circumstances.

BAFF has therefore arranged for any current full member who has been approached by IHAT, or by any similar enquiry relating to actual or alleged events in the course of recent overseas operations, to be able to consult a solicitor, experienced in court martial defence work, for free basic confidential legal advice about their situation. This benefit is available to any BAFF full member who has been approached by IHAT etc, or has a serious expectation of being approached.

We can't enter into correspondence with non-members about this. BAFF does not itself provide legal advice, and nothing on this website should be treated as legal advice.