British Armed Forces Federation | BAFF
Government & Parliamentary
Armed Forces Commissioner Bill: call for evidence
Armed Forces Commissioner Bill: Parliament 2024-25
Defence Committee - Written Evidence received
Dozens of military veterans and reservists win seats in the General Election - ForcesNews 5.7.2024
Find your MLAs (N Ireland Assembly Members)
Improving the offer for service personnel
Incoming Labour government appoints Minister for Veterans and People
Ministry of Defence
Petition link: Review the MOD's New Accommodation Offer [petition now closed due election]
Research Briefing: Armed Forces Commissioner Bill 2024-2025
Stolen Valour aka Walts with campaign medals: should it be criminalised again?
The ARAP Scheme and former members of the Afghan Special Forces who served with UK troops
The British General and the Bosnia 'Mutiny'
UK Parliament homepage
Vote 2024: The manifesto proposals for armed forces personnel representation or commissioner
Vote 2024: What's in the party manifestos about armed forces personnel and veterans?
Westminster - Parliamentary Business - Defence
What did Labour say in their 2024 election manifesto about armed forces personnel and veterans?
Which new or returning MPs have served in the military?